Mission: To create opportunities for humans and dogs to discover new parts of Vermont, and get some fresh air and exercise at the same time.

Hello, and welcome to the challenge! This fun challenge is for humans and dogs of all abilities. It was inspired by the ADK-9 challenge. It includes an assortment of trails (rail trails, loops, out and back trails, networks, and recreation paths); 13 of them are wheelchair accessible. The concept is simple: read the safety information, hike any 10 trails after 1/1/24, send in your registration form, receive your prize, and bask in the glow of accomplishment. Extra credit: send in pictures and review the trail on this website, Facebook and/or Instagram. You can take as long as you want to complete the challenge, but it might be fun to challenge yourself to do it in a season or a year. 

No dog? No problem! You can complete the challenge in memory of a dog, in support of a dog, or maybe even as a fundraiser for a dog or your local humane society; we just want you to hit the trails and discover Vermont! Have more questions? See our FAQ page.

Happy Trails, Friends!

PS: Please avoid muddy mountain trails during mud season, until Memorial Day. Durable surface trails like rec paths and rail trails are okay. See the Green Mountain Club’s Mud Season and Hiking in Vermont webpage for more information.